Gravitational-wave Excellence through Alliance Training (GrEAT) Network with China

The Gravitational-wave Excellence through Alliance Training (GrEAT) Network with China is an STFC funded network which aims to build links between UK-China based on gravitational wave research so as to strengthen capacity for gravitational wave research in China. The network brings together several Chinese and UK universities to address challenges described by the following work packages (WP).

For further info on meetings, projects, exchanges, pictures, etc please access the Great's website:

Future projects to collaborate

WP1 Economic growth and innovation

WP1 This work package will focus on identifying potential industrial and commercial partners in China for GW technology and expertise exploitation. Activities will include organising workshops where UK GW teams can showcase their technologies to potential industry partners in China. Leads: Junwei Cao, Des Gibson

WP2: Quality education and public outreach

WP2 This work package will, in collaboration with our Chinese partners, provide high-quality training for early-career researchers on the planning and delivery of outreach on gravitational-wave astronomy. We will develop resources suitable for both formal and informal learners. Leads: Martin Hendry, Zong-Hong Zhu

WP3: Big Data analysis and modelling

WP3 This work package will provide training on data analysis and numerical modelling that will have applications to gravitational wave research and beyond. Leads: Nils Andersson, Xilong Fan, Patrick Sutton

WP4: Ultra-high precision measurement technology and instrumentation

WP4 This work package will build the necessary skill base to develop/fabricate/install and innovate future detector technologies. It will also provide support to grow the necessary expertise for a future GW detector in China. Leads: Giles Hammond, Stuart Reid, Baoqing Sun

WP5: Space GW detectors

WP5 This work package will support PhD students and early career researchers from Chinese institutions working on space GW detectors to train in the UK in an effort to define the issues and specific needs for their project, thereby fostering long-term collaborative links between the UK and China. Leads: Tim Sumner, Alberto Vecchio, Zebing Zhou

The research teams

involved in the GrEAT Network with China and their corresponding interests are listed below.

Last Name First Name University email WP1 WP2 WP3 WP4 WP5
Andersson Nils University of Southampton N.A.Andersson@SOTON.AC.UK
Barak Leor University of Southampton
Cao Junwei Tsinghua University
Fan Xilong Wuhan University
Freise Andreas University of Birmingham adf@STAR.SR.BHAM.AC.UK
Gibson Des University of West of Scotland
Hammond Giles University of Glasgow
Hendry Martin University of Glasgow
Heng Ik Siong University of Glasgow
Hollington Daniel Imperial College London
Hu Yi-Ming Sun Yat-sen University
Jones Ian University of Southampton
Mei Jianwei Sun Yat-sen University
Miao Haixing University of Birmingham
Reid Stuart Strathclyde University
Sumner Tim Imperial College London
Song Shigeng University of West of Scotland
Sun Baoqing Shandong University baoqing.sun@SDU.EDU.CN
Wang Yan Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Ye XianJi Sun Yat-sen University
Zhang Jinlong Tongji University
Zhou Zebing Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Zhu Zong-Hong Beijing Normal University


/export0/wikidata/pages/great_network/start.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/18 20:49 by mariela.masso
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