Telecons and meetings

Telecon minutes

These minutes are produced with much input from Yi-Ming Hu and Mariela Masso. Thanks!


  1. March 9: Minutes
  2. April 4: Minutes
  3. May 9: Minutes
  4. June 20: Minutes
  5. July 4: Minutes
  6. July 18: Minutes
  7. August 1: Minutes
  8. August 22: Minutes
  9. September 12: Minutes
  10. October 24:Minutes * Xihao Den presentation: Presentation
  11. November 27: Minutes


  1. March 26:Minutes
  2. April 09:Minutes
  3. June 18Minutes
  4. December 16: Minutes


  1. February 11: Minutes
  2. May 12: Minutes
  3. September 09: Minutes


/export0/wikidata/pages/great_network/meet/start.txt · Last modified: 2020/09/10 14:36 by jordan.mcginn
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