WP1 Economic growth and innovation

Leads: Junwei Cao, Des Gibson

  • Create database of expertise: please sign up!!!
  • Focused workshops (on specific technologies?) to identify partners
  • Innovation themes? eg. Space, Big data, Precision measurement

Expertise database

Last Name First Name University Email Expertise
Reid Stuart University of Strathclyde Stuart.Reid@strath.ac.uk ion beam deposition, coatings, mechanical loss
Song Shigeng University of the West of Scotland Shigeng.Song@uws.ac.uk optical filters, thin films process and characterization
Andersson Nils University of Southampton na@maths.soton.ac.uk astrophysics, numerical relativity, gravitational wave sources
Wang Yan Huazhong University of Science and Technology ywang12@hust.edu.cn astrophysics, gravitational wave data analysis
Cao Junwei Tsinghua University jcao@tsinghua.edu.cn artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, power grid, energy internet
Gibson Des University of the West of Scotland des.gibson@uws.ac.uk plasma assisted deposition, optical coatings, gas sensors,medical devices
Heng Ik Siong University of Glasgow ik.heng@glasgow.a.uk Bayesian inference and machine learning for both time series and image analysis
/export0/wikidata/pages/great_network/meet/wp1.txt · Last modified: 2018/10/23 12:22 by siong.heng
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