Karsten Danzmann:
Jo van der Brand:
Humboldt Foundation (not given due to illness):
All GraWIToN Early Stage Researchers present at the ET update meeting gave a four minute presentation of their PHD project.
The best presentation (judged by a jury of supervisors) got a certificate:
Still LF the key feature? — Science case difference between 2Hz cut-off and 10Hz cut-off. What will be covered by LISA already? What else to we get from LF apart from BBH? Thomas, David.
Length argument: Infrastructure (ultimate noise limit, long-term capability) vs detector (short term + cheaper)?
Michele: The two things we have to decide within the next two years: Underground or not? And triangular or not?
Is ET a brand? Is it what we want to be? Is it important or a hindrance in global coordination?
Steps needed towards ESFRI roadmap (level of maturity/TDS?)
Lessons learned from KAGRA so far in terms of materials?
Lessons learned from KAGRA so far in terms of sensors and actuators?
What do we lose if we abandon triangular footprint vs longer L?
Tube diameter to small currently for proper scattering mitigation?
What an estimate for the classical noise budget of an 3G detector? (Useful for optimisation)
Is it of any use if a single ET has good LF sensitivity but no other detector has similar sensitivity in this frequency range?
Do we need sky localisation capability?
Unordered List Itemmodify to two floor design. Con: lose flexibility of infrastructure
a-LIGO pre-isolation and compact SUS.
Warm and cold sensors and actuators.
SPI: options for central ifo?
improvement of seismic sensors, tiltmeters
actuators for minimal cross-coupling (act only in the desired direction)
violin mode sensors and dampers
Need to look anew into cryo-suspension techniques. 1.5m last stage.
(Michelson vs speedmeter etc) what is the decision path? decision point can be late as they all fit into the same infrastructure
squeezing higher order modes
PIs Anna, Andreas, Daniel
TCS: Better wavefront sensors, better actuators? Need for TCS in “voyager” design?
alternatives to xylophone design? what do we need? what do we gain?
update options for optics surface, surface figure, scatter. Derive cavity losses (10km) from this
squeezing losses in FC. Actuating BW of FC. Actuating on surface figure of FC to reduce losses and improve MM.
adaptive mode matching
cryogenics. Cooling power –> disturbances. liquid He “from above”. safety issue?
Identify any potential cost savings on vacuum?
facilities for producing large cryo substrates –> GWIC 3G R&D
Working group meeting: Michele Punturo, Jo v/d Brand, Tamas Novak, Peter Van, Niels van Bakel