Changes to GU visual identity Powerpoint templates

The latest versions of the Uni Powerpoint templates have slightly different RGB colours from the original guidelines. Looks like a improvement snuck in without telling anyone.

Colour R G B
Old blue 0 53 95
New blue 0 33 60
Old SciEng 119 120 0
New SciEng 91 101 27

For the new SciEng template the logo remains the same. For the generic Uni template the logo has been altered so the shield is the same shade as the new blue. I've approximately replicated this in Powerpoint 10 by altering the logo image with Brightness: -12% and Contrast: 25%. It's not a perfect match for the other colours (comparing them to the logo that comes with the template), so I suspect there's probably been some gamma tweaking or similar going on.

My version of the College pptx template with the school logo school_general.pptx. Has the Tower background as a title slide option. It has to be said, the green does look a little less yucky than before. Now if only they'd apply this to the website as well…

/export0/wikidata/pages/it/blog/28_06_2012_17_08.txt · Last modified: 2012/06/28 22:03 by admin
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