Minimal install really is minimal. Better to choose minimal and then add base packages - gives nano, ssh etc.
If this gives you Networkmanager - remove this:
yum remove NetworkManager
Use system-config-network to configure /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
Enable network on boot with
chkconfig network on
Start with
service network on
NTP service is ntpdate, so:
systemctl start ntpd.service systemctl enable ntpd.service
etc. Config file is /etc/ntp.conf
as usual.
Firewall config script:
Configures /etc/sysconfig/iptables
Choose packages XFCE, then deselect games etc.
Removed Network Manager.
Removed XFCE power manager.
ACPI shutdown worked ok when logged on, but didn't at the login screen. To fix this changed /etc/acpi/actions/
#!/bin/sh PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin shutdown -h now
i.e. removed all the stuff that checks for other power managers running.
Disabled this and got more text details by editing grub command line options to remove quiet and rhgb
Edit /etc/default/grub
and remove rhgb (and quiet if desired) from the boot options, then run
grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg