LIGO Newton-Bhabha partnership

An agreement has been signed between India and the UK focusing on building capacity within India for a new LIGO gravitational wave detector – adding to two which are already operational in the USA. The project will open the way to closer working between scientists in India and their counterparts in UK universities.

The LIGO India partnership is funded by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) through its Newton-Bhabha project on LIGO. Newton Bhabha is a fund aimed at bringing together the UK and Indian scientific research and innovation sectors.

For information on the meetings, pictures, projects, etc you can access the Ligo India - Newton Bhabha website:


The aim of this proposal is three-fold;

1. Advanced science and technology skills training through learning to develop, operate and exploit LIGO India

2. Encourage entrepreneurial activity

3. Implement an outreach programme to inspire STEM take-up in schools and universities.


Five research themes and one management theme have been identified at this time, although there is flexibility to re-organise or add additional themes as needed.

WP1: Project management (Hammond, Raychaudhury + representatives from all Institutes)

WP2: Data analysis and Modelling (Heng, Andersson, Sutton, Raychaudhury)

WP3: Low thermal noise coatings and suspensions (Reid, Hammond, Rajalakshmi, Prabhakar, Raman)

WP4: Interferometer modelling & simulation (Daw, Rapol)

WP5: Entrepreneurial Activities (Gibson, Raychaudhury, Indian Trade Embassy representatives)

WP6: Outreach Activities (Vecchio, Souradeep)


/export0/wikidata/pages/ligo_india/start.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/06 21:14 by mariela.masso
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