The build-a-detector workshop is aimed at Master and PhD students. A 10 day workshop which will have several pre-recorded lectures on the noise budge as well as sources. Each lecture will have a live Q&A session, where students will get to discuss and further their understanding of each topic. The last three days of the workshop will see the students teaming up to concept build a gravitational wave detector and produce a noise budget curve with a sources curve and present to a panel of experts (with drop in sessions for students to ask as many questions during this time). The best design will be awarded a prize!

The current documentation can be seen below. This is currently still a draft as we finalize names, dates, etc.


/export0/wikidata/pages/ligo_india/build-a-detector.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/06 21:26 by mariela.masso
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