Table of Contents

Migration of virtual machines from Proxmox 1.9 to 2.1


  1. Create a storage area that both clusters can see (e.g. NFS on freenas box)
  2. Backup VM from 1.9 system to backup area.
  3. SSH to backup area and move backup tgz file from root of share (where 1.9 backs up) to dump directory (should have been created by connecting 2.1).
  4. Restore from backup in 2.1 (may want to keep the same VMID, to avoid inconsistent disk image numbers)
  5. Change hardware if required (VM won't start if pointing to non-existent CD image, change network to appropriate bridge)

Network interface in Windows

Not sure at moment whether changing the bridge affects anything, or whether it's just due to the migration, but windows sees the network interface as a new device, so sets it using DHCP. Check via console!