Table of Contents

Installation and configuration of EAGLE 7 licencing server

File download

The links on the cadsoft page were broken when I did this. The licencing setup files were found at:

The later version directories only contain the lichostid files (also included in the full install). You do need this for the hostid - it doesn't just work off the MAC address!

Install (Windows)

Put the unzipped file tree somewhere convenient - on Shuna it's just stuck in C:

To install the server as a service, use the command line switch:

lmadmin -installservice "EAGLE flexlm"

or whatever you want the service to be called. You have to dig deep into the pdf documentation to find that one!

Log into the web interface


Login with default credentials (admin:admin) and change the password

Licence file

As per documentation - Administration > Vendor Daemon Configuration > Import License. This should import the file which points to the vendor daemon in the file tree.

Client configuration

Choose multi-user licence. Server is

and we're currently using the default port (21111)