09.20 Presentation from UWS - Des/Shigeng 09.40 Presentation from Tongji 10.00 Presentation from Changchun and/or Fudan? 10.10 Discussion of possible collaborations 10.40 Break
11.00 UK activities - Martin 11.30 China activities - Jin Ma/Zonghong Zhu/Wanghui Wan 12.00 Discussion of possible collaborations 12:30 Lunch
14:30 UGW PE ---- Qi Hong, Cardiff University 14:50 Glasgow machine learning activities - Siong? 15.00 The Applications of the Gravitational Wave Beat Pattern due to Lensing --- Shaoqi Hou, Wuhan University 15.15 SHAO activities - Wenbiao Han 15.30 Discussion of possible collaborations
16.00 Strathclyde activities - Marwa Ben Yaala 16.30 China activities 17:00 Discussion of possible collaborations
09.00 - 09:50 Cosmology - Martin Hendry, Glasgow University 09:50 - 10:20 H0 by GW ---- Qi Hong, Cardiff University
10:20- 10:40 Break
10.40 - 11:30 Squeezing Work at LIGO and Quantum Correlation ---- Haocun Yu, MIT LIGO LAB 11:30– 12:00 Gravitational waves and extra dimension, Zichao Lin, Lanzhou University
12:00 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 14:30 Some Results of Gravitational Wave Detection Based On Convolutional Neural Networks, Xiangru Li , South China Normal University 14:30– 15:00 Detection and classification of GWs from core collapse supernova: a machine learning approach, Man LEONG Chan, Fukuoka University 15:00 - 15:30 Classification and parameter estimation of GWs from BBHs using CNN and RNN, Jin Li, Chongqing University
15:30 - 15:50 Break
15:50– 16:20 GW-sGRB Connection, Weiwei Tan, Hubei University of Education 16:20 - 16:50 Neutron star merger and its EM counterpart,Jie-Shuang Wang,Tsung-Dao Lee Institute 16:50 - 17:20 Using strong lensing as a giant telescope to localize the host galaxy of GW, Hai Yu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
09:00 Welcome speech (Director of CGE, HUST) 09:10 UK activities (Martin) 09:40 China activities (20 mins each) -Investigation of Space Inertial Sensor for Tianqin Mission at HUST (HUST) -Laser stabilization with optical cavities and frequency combs (HUST) -Investigation of the low-noise non-planar ring laser source (HUST) -Science with TianQin: Preliminary Results on Testing the No-hair Theorem with Ringdown Signals (SYSU) 11:00 Discussion for further collaborations (summerizing this meeting and the plan for the next one?) 11:50 Concluding remarks (vice Director of CGE, HUST) 12:00 Lunch 13:30 Lab tour (would take 1-2 hours)
A bus will transport us to and from the hotel to the meeting venue (National Precision Gravity Measurement Facility Science building Room W401) on HUST campus. Transport will also be arranged for people going to train station or airport after the meeting.