Table of Contents

Science case difference between 2Hz cut-off and 10Hz cut-off

main selling points for as low frequencies as possible:

  1. early warning with sky localization for EM followup thanks to early SNR buildup. ~1000s-10ks
  2. IMBHs/IMRIs with higher total masses (>1000Msun) and up to high redshifts → cosmic history of SMBH seeds
  3. Long inspiral gives highly improved CBC parameter estimation even with just small SNR gains, breaking degeneracies with precession and higher modes, constraining ellipticity before it is completely radiated away. → formation channels and environments
  4. No other observatory will look at this range, except maybe DECIGO on even longer timescales → unique discovery potential for unknown unknowns.

For many more analyses low frequencies yield improved rates/sensitivity/precision, but it can usually be offset with increased bucket sensitivity instead; the three above seem to be the main drivers for low-freq specifically.


early warning and sky localization

going to high BH masses and redshifts

the arows indicate the highest masses we woud detect if we reduced the sensitivity to 10Hz. [Sathya et al 2012]

Parameter Estimation from long inspirals

Testing GR

Stochastic Backgrounds

Lots of sensitivity for the GW background at low frequencies. The expected spectrum is a power law but the level is determined by the integrated rate density. Probably by 2030 we will have a very good idea of the level of the background from binaries.

Continuous Waves from Neutron Stars



table I with various FoMs

to-do list

All of the following is basically quantitative comparisons that will be equally useful for any other 2G+/3G proposals, so it will be useful to distribute labor in the international 3G science case working group.