GEO600 Discovery Meeting

Date: 2016 September 30 to October 2
Iberostar Playa de Muro
Albufera, 8
07458 Playa de Muro, Mallorca, Islas Baleares

Phone: +34 971 890443


Room: Seminar room CALA BONA


15:00 - 17:45
Stage at the exterior
Chair: Jim Hough

15:00 Registration and welcome reception

16:30 “Welcome to Mallorca” Karsten Danzmann

16:40 “Summary talk GW150914 Experimental aspect” Karsten Danzmann mallorca_kd.pdf

17:05 “Summary talk GW150914 Theoretical aspect” Bernard Schutz schutz.gw150914theory.pdf

17:30 Questions

18:00 - 19:30
Seminar room CALA BONA
Chair: Jim Hough

18:00 “Laser development: history and future” Benno Willke et al. 16hannoverlaserhistory.pdf

18:40 “Simulation development from the past into the future” Andreas Freise freise_simulations_301016.pdf

19:15 “LISA Path finder” Felipe Guzmán felipeguzman_lpf.pdf

19:30 Dinner


9:45 - 11:40
Seminar room CALA BONA
Chair: Jim Hough

9:45 “History: Data Analysis for 100 Hour Run” Bernard Schutz geo_data_history.schutz.pdf

Chair: Bernard Schutz

10:00 “Numerical Relativity history and High-frequency and how a high-frequency tuned GEO could explore fundamental physics” Luciano Rezzola rezzolla_palma_1016.pdf

10:40 “History of GEO600 Group” W.Winker, A.Rüdiger and Jim Hough
mallorcagw_ww.pdf mallorca16-ruediger-3.pdfglasgow_reflections.pdf

11:40 Coffee Break (at the seminar room area)

12:10 - 13:00
Seminar room CALA BONA
Chair: Karsten Danzmann

12:10 “Squeezing at 1064 nm…towards a GEO-Squeezer Mk2” Henning Vahlbruch geodiscoveryvahlbruch.pdf

12:25 “History of squeezing in GW” Roman Schnabel schnabel-mallorca_161001k.pdf

12:40 “History of GEO600 detector” Harald Lück geo600pictures.pdf

13:00 Lunch Break

14:00 Free discussion Train tour, Meeting at Hotel reception at 14:15 strict !

19:30 Dinner


10:00 - 13:00
Seminar room CALA BONA
Chair: Andreas Freise

10:00 The real life at GEO600 Hartmut Grote geo01_hg.pdf

10:30 Wrap up of GEO-HF session James Lough geohfwrapup.pdf

11:00 Coffee Break (at the bar area)

11:25 Panel Discussion on broader discussion from GEO-HF session: What we learned from the history and how we will be Panelists from each institute Moderator: A.Freise –> B.Willke, Panelists: K.Danzmann, J.Hough, H.Grote, H.Lück, J.Lough, L.Rezzolla, S.Hild(Remote)

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Adjourn