====== Configuring Proxmox hosts (and other postfix installs) to send email via smarthost ====== Proxmox uses postfix as its MTA. To configure this to send email via smarthost run dpkg-reconfigure postfix For general type we want Satellite SMTP server - usual Mailbox size - could use the suggested 51200000 here - should be more than big enough seeing as nothing should be ending up in the system mailbox anyway. Once this is done, edit ''/etc/aliases''. It should look like: postmaster: root nobody: root hostmaster: root webmaster: root www: root Add a line at the end: root: Your.Email@example.com Regenerate the database with ''newaliases'' (or possibly ''postalias filename'' on other distributions) Test with something like echo "test" | mail -s "test mail sent to root" root