====== Science case difference between 2Hz cut-off and 10Hz cut-off ====== main selling points for as low frequencies as possible: - **early warning** with sky localization for EM followup thanks to early SNR buildup. ~1000s-10ks - IMBHs/IMRIs with higher total masses (>1000Msun) and up to high redshifts -> **cosmic history of SMBH seeds** - Long inspiral gives highly improved CBC parameter estimation even with just small SNR gains, breaking degeneracies with **precession** and **higher modes**, constraining **ellipticity** before it is completely radiated away. -> formation channels and environments - **No other observatory** will look at this range, except maybe DECIGO on even longer timescales -> unique discovery potential for unknown unknowns. For many more analyses low frequencies yield improved rates/sensitivity/precision, but it can usually be offset with increased bucket sensitivity instead; the three above seem to be the main drivers for low-freq specifically. ====== CBC ====== ===== early warning and sky localization ===== * Lifetime in the detector window: ignoring SNR buildup for the moment, total BNS track length increases from ~10 minutes for 10Hz lower cutoff to ~1 day at 2Hz cutoff. [Plot: M. Chan] {{ :et_update_2017:col.png?direct&400 |}} * For a useful early warning alert, we also want good sky localisation early enough. See below. * More specifically, we want the //time before coalescence that some SNR (or false-alarm rate) threshold is crossed//. Using universal SNR distribution and an estimated merger rate (or fancier: redshift-dependent distribution+rate), can predict number of events as a function of pre-alert time. * This FoM, from Adhikari et al, LIGO-P1700208 for LIGO Voyager, red is the only Voyager variant with some sensitivity below 10Hz. Note the localization panel assumes 2x Voyager + 1x aVirgo. {{:et_update_2017:ligo_p1700208-v1_fig6.png?500|}} * Localisation accuracy also improves when starting at lower frequency, and can actually be done surprisingly well with a single-site ET for sources that are close enough. (The daily rotation of the detector gives "synthetic aperture", i.e. equivalent to a network. * Below is a plot showing the localisation by an L-shape ET or CE for the same source at a location randomly selected but at three different distances. * The signal starts at 1Hz, and the two detectors (ET and CE) are assumed to be at the same location for a fair comparison. * The top panel of the plot is for ET and the bottom panel is for CE. * {{:et_update_2017:shortintegrated1.png?1200|}} * It can be seen that although CE accumulates much higher SNR, the localistion by L-shape ET is much smaller because ET's improvement in the low frequency band provides a long in-band duration of the signal. * Thus, if with the early alerts to EM followers, we need low-frequency sensitivity. * In addition, given the localization, polarization measurement from ET topology gives you source inclination too. ===== going to high BH masses and redshifts ===== * The lower the frequency, the higher the BH masses we probe. fLSO ~ 4400 / ( Mtot[Msun] * (1+z) ) * We measure redshifted detector frame masses. -> meaning higher cosmological reach * Intermediate mass black holes (IMBHs) could be observed both as IMBH-IMBH binaries and as IMRIs with stellar-mass BHs or NSs. * Observing IMBH/BBH at higher redshifts probes the BBH formation history and mass function evolution --> cosmology, galaxy formation! {{ :et_update_2017:et-10hz-range.png?direct&400 |}} the arows indicate the highest masses we woud detect if we reduced the sensitivity to 10Hz. [Sathya et al 2012] * IMRIs have rich waveforms, allowing e.g. additional TGR opportunities. ===== Parameter Estimation from long inspirals ===== * Already for a basic quantity like chirp mass, low freqs may contribute only few % of SNR, but large improvements in PE. From Salvo's talk this week, how well CE can do, need to quantify low-freq ET in comparison: {{:et_update_2017:screenshot_mchirp_salvo.png?400|}} * Higher order effects in BBH that might be much better observable with very long inspirals: * precession * eccentricity (gets radiated away until late inspiral, really need as early as possible) * higher multipole modes (more prominent for higher mass ratio, profits from being able to see higher-Mtot systems) * Observing BBH at higher redshifts. BBH formation history, mass function evolution - need to quantify. ===== Testing GR ===== * long inspiral will let us see some deviations from GR with higher sensitivity: //(references?)// * speed of gravity / LIV tests particularly helped by high-redshift sources, too * parametrized PN-violation tests should be helped by many cycles * though for many tests: do low-freq cycles help by themselves, or can be easily made up for by high SNR from bucket? * BNS: tidal deformability? Both intuition and Table 1 of Adhikari et al imply bucket/high-freq more relevant, but comparing the non-deformed early inspiral with the deformed late inspiral might be quite useful, at the very least to study degeneracies/systematics. Need an actual expert to look into whether this is relevant early enough in the inspiral for low freqs to matter at all. * remember tradeoffs with high-freq, interesting things like post-merger and BNS studies require high-freq as well! ====== Stochastic Backgrounds ====== * cosmic background from BH/ and NS binaries: low frequencies are very important {{ :et_update_2017:et-gw-background.png?direct&500 |}} Lots of sensitivity for the GW background at low frequencies. The expected spectrum is a power law but the level is determined by the integrated rate density. Probably by 2030 we will have a very good idea of the level of the background from binaries. ====== Continuous Waves from Neutron Stars ====== * Most of the bulk of known pulsars population is at low frequencies. * Including particularly glitchy ones that could make good transient emitters! * Preliminary estimate: could beat spindown upper limit for ~350 known pulsars from ATNF with full ET-D curve, ~150 left with hard cut at 10 Hz. ([[https://inspirehep.net/record/894489|Pitkin 2011]] estimated ~100--600 observable with ET-C) * We don't know of any //lower// limit of NS ellipticities or how GW emission really correlates with source properties, so we should just aim to have as many interesting objects in band as possible/ * Blind searches are also potentially sensitive to EM-dark NSs, but unclear whether "horizontal" or "vertical" extension of search space is more promising. * CW ULs from known pulsars and glitches - quick work [D. Keitel], might be a few factors off, but right ballpark: {{:et_update_2017:atnf_spindown_and_glitch_uls_aligo_et.png?direct&500}} ====== Supernovae ====== * rare sources anyway * core collapse basically emit inside the LIGO band, not much from low freq * SNIa might have some emission at <1Hz, but very low local rate * for this source we actually want as much high-freq sensitivity as possible! ====== resources ====== * LIGO Voyager blue/red/green: https://dcc.ligo.org/P1700208-v1 {{:et_update_2017:ligo_p1700208-v1_table1.png?direct&600|table I with various FoMs}} * Sathya et al 2012 ET science objectives: https://inspirehep.net/record/1116935 ====== to-do list ====== All of the following is basically quantitative comparisons that will be equally useful for any other 2G+/3G proposals, so it will be useful to distribute labor in the international 3G science case working group. * reproduce and extend Table 1 from P1700208: * IMBH maximum mass, range/horizon * sky localization (average/cumdist/..., time for early localization) * spins, precession, eccentricity parameter estimation * ... * stoch. background: update/verify plot above with current rate knowledge * full quantitative analysis of early warning / sky localization (Mervin; also do our version of Fig. 6 from P1700208) * study and quantify influence of many low-freq cycles on tidal estimates (vs. just more SNR overall) * our version of Salvo's Mchirp plot with low-freq * update / double-check CW estimates, compare with Matt's 2011 paper * testing GR: first step is to talk to experts