--[[start|home]]-- ====== Meetings ====== ===== 8th Meeting, Hannover, 26th of March, 2014 ===== We will start 9:30 in the big seminar room (103) at AEI. Program * Daniel Brown: {{:geo-isc:brown_hannover.pdf|Hands-on session on Finesse with radiation pressure}} * Sean Leavey: {{:geo-isc:presentation.pdf|Mini-tutorial on AEI10m single arm test auto-alignment design}} * Emil Schreiber: {{:geo-isc:modern_controls_workshop_report.pdf|Commissioning workshop report / tutorial on modern controls}} LUNCH break * Anamaria Effler: {{:geo-isc:aei_talk.pdf|On aspects of aLIGO ISC}} * Jan-Simon Hennig: {{:geo-isc:20140326_geo_isc_hannover_jan_pdf_compatible.pdf|Optical Layout for the Glasgow Sagnac Speed Meter}} * Harald/Hartmut: {{:geo-isc:geocontrolaspects.pptx|ISC in GEO, i.e. what sidebands are resonant where and from what PDs and demodulations the error signals for all the lengths are obtained}} * Conor Mow-Lowry: {{:geo-isc:2014_mar_26_geo_isc_meeting.pptx|Inertial and position control of the AEI Seismic Attenuation System with blended sensors}} * Grant Meadors: Offline substraction of MICH from DARM for LIGO data (https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-G1400344) * Time for discussions on ET-Control work (related to Aspera proposal) Finish around 5pm. === SeeVogh === Title: GEO Sensing and Control meeting Community: Virgo - LSC Password: inflation ===== 7th Meeting, Hannover, 6th of December, 2012 ===== The next meeting will take place on the 6th of December 2012. We will start at **9:30am** in the seminar room in the Applestrasse. Program (morning session) * Michael Born: {{:geo-isc:cds-filters_2012.pdf|CDS tutorial}} * Christoph Affeldt: Matching-Magic in RF circuitry (postponed due to illness) * John Macarthur: Local Readout experiment * Conor Mow-Lowry: Blended Sensor technique (postponed due to illness) * Kate Dooley: Tutorial about alignment systems {{:geo-isc:dooley_geoisc_06dec2012.pdf|presentation}} Lunch break. reconvene at 2pm * Sean Leavey: {{:geo-isc:control_for_smart_grid_applications.pdf|Control for smart grid applications}} * Tobin Fricke: {{:geo-isc:statespace.pdf|Intro to state based modeling}} * Dirk Schuette: {{:geo-isc:geo.pptx|Guided discussion on alternative suspension controls}} * Small group time: Small group tutorials and/or working on hot topics: - How to get a TF out of Optcikle? - Small Finesse tutorial - Feedback-loop design tutorial * Plenum: See how we got on in the small groups. Finish at 5pm. === EVO details: === Title: GEO-ISC meeting Description: 7th meeting of the GEO sensing and control group Community: Virgo - LSC Password: isc_nikolaus ===== 6th Meeting, Hannover, 28th of March 2012 ===== The meeting will start at 09:30 in the big Seminar room (103) at AEI Hannover. === Program === * {{:geo-isc:intro_march.pdf|Welcome}} (Stefan) * {{:geo-isc:basic_controls_tutorial_heurs_280312.pdf|TUTORIAL: INTRODUCTION TO BASIC CONTROL}} (Michele Heurs), //<= this is a 1.5-2h tutorial aimd at folks with less experience in control techniques.// * {{:geo-isc:fricke-dsp.pdf|Quantization noise}} (Tobin Fricke) * Request for favorite resources LUNCH BREAK, restart at 2pm * {{:geo-isc:2012_03_geoisc_local_control.pptx|Classical Pendulum Control: Geo-style vs Modal Damping}} (Tobias Westphal) * {{:geo-isc:geo_sim_03282012_fkawazoe.pptx|AEI-10m Reference Cavity longitudinal control}} (Fumiko Kawazoe) * {{:geo-isc:miso_control_schemes_prijatelj.pptx|MISO control schemes. Adaptive filtering and Wiener filtering}} (Mirko Prijatelj) * {{:geo-isc:nn.pptx|Introduction to Neural Networks}} (Holger Wittel) * {{:geo-isc:frank_brueckner_geo-isc.pptx|Plans on table-top experiments towards Newtonian noise subtraction}} (Frank Brueckner) We plan to be finished at leastet at 5pm. === EVO details: === Title: GEO-ISC meeting Description: 6th meeting of the GEO sensing and control group Community: Virgo - LSC Password: isc_hannover ===== 5th Meeting, Hannover, 29th of August 2011 ===== This meeting will be hold together with the GEO-SIM group. We intent to start on Monday morning and finish by Monday evening. For the morning agenda please see [[http://www.sr.bham.ac.uk/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=geosim:meetings |GEO-SIM wiki]]. === Program === The ISC meeting will start at 13:30 in the big Seminar room at AEI Hannover. * {{:geo-isc:eom_christoph.pptx|Possible choices for the GEO-HF EOMs}} (Christoph Affeldt) * {{:geo-isc:hild_eoms.pdf|Discussion and Decision on GEO-HF EOMs}} (Stefan, all). --- Relevant background information can be found on the [[https://dcc.ligo.org/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=69325|LIGO DCC]]. Break * {{:geo-isc:isc_meeting_talk.pptx|Modern controls for quantum optical systems}} (Maximillian Wimmer). * {{:geo-isc:experimental_test_of_higher-order_lg_modes_borja_for_geo-isc_20110825.ppt|LG33 mode experiments at the Glasgow 10m-interferomete}} (Borja Sorazu). * {{:geo-isc:christian_geoisc_august2011_final.pdf|The AEI-10m SubSQL interferometer with tunable stability}} (Christian Graef). * {{:geo-isc:hild_future.pdf|Next meeting etc}} (Stefan, all) === EVO details: === Title: GEO SIM and ISC meetings Description: Meetings of the GEO Simulation and the GEO Sensing and Control meetings Community: Virgo - LSC Password: geo_meeting ===== 4th Meeting, Hannover, 6th of May 2011 ===== The meeting will start at 13:30 and take place in the main seminar room of the AEI Hannover. The talks will vary in length between 15 and 30 minutes === Program === * {{:geo-isc:2011_geo-isc.pptx|Towards the SPI}} (Katrin Dahl) * {{:geo-isc:geo_isc_may_2011_fumiko.pptx|Steering mirror action-what they should and what they can do}} (Fumiko Kawazoe) * {{:geo-isc:geoisc_mai2011_christian_final.pdf|Length sensing and optical design aspects for the AEI-10m}} (Christian Graef) * {{:geo-isc:isc_hild_may2011.pdf|Discussion on the starting configuration of the AEI-10m}} (Stefan Hild, all) Break * {{:geo-isc:power_up.pdf|GEO-HF high power operation}} (Christoph Affeldt) * {{:geo-isc:sqzlocking.pdf|Control of squeezed light in GEO-HF}} (Hartmut Grote) * {{:geo-isc:suspension_parameters1.pdf|Suspension Parameter Sensitivity Analysis}} (Ken Strain) * {{:geo-isc:lpf_control_hewitson.pdf|Drag-free control on Lisa Pathfinder}} (Martin Hewitson) * {{:geo-isc:2011_05_geo_isc_westphal.pptx|Standard Quantum Limit from a different perspective}} (Tobias Westphal) * {{:geo-isc:geo_sim_gratings.pdf|Michelson interferometer with 3-port grating coupled arm cavities}} (Michael Britzger) The morning GEO Sim talks can be found on the [[http://www.sr.bham.ac.uk/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=geosim:meetings|GEO SIM Wiki]]. === EVO details: === Title: GEO SIM and ISC meeting Description: Meetings of the GEO Simulation group and the GEO sensing and control group Community: Virgo - LSC Password: GEO-May ===== 3rd Meeting, Hannover, 14th of December 2010 ===== The meeting will take place in the main seminar room of the AEI Hannover. All talks will be between 15 minutes and 1 hour or so and we should have plenty of time in between for discussions ... === Presentations === **Morning session (9:30 -12:00)** * Mirko Prijatelj: {{:geo-isc:prijatelj_geo600_the_output_mode_cleaner_isc_meeting_dez_2010.pptx|GEO600 - The output mode cleaner}} * Holger Wittel: {{:geo-isc:active_seismic_isolation_in_geo.pptx|Gravel-mining and GEO600 - the need for active seismic isolation}} * Andre Thuering: {{:geo-isc:fcs-control-sac1210.pdf|Noise and Control issues for Filter Cavities}} * David Rabeling: {{:geo-isc:aeimeeting2010.pdf|Impedance matching locking (for advanced Virgo?)}} **Afternoon session: (13:30 - 16:30)** * Matt Edgar: {{:geo-isc:geoisc_optical_spring.pdf|Optical Spring measurements in the Glasgow 10m interferometer}} * Fumiko Kawazoe: {{:geo-isc:geo_isc_2010winterkawazoe.pdf|Servo design for the AEI-10m reference cavity}} * Christian Graef: {{:geo-isc:geoisc_dez2010_christiangraef.pptx|Length sensing for the AEI-10m sub-sql interferometer}} ({{:geo-isc:subsqlarmmod.avi.zip|Video}}) * Daniel Brown : {{:geo-isc:hanover-aei.pptx|Simulating gratings with the FDTD method}} * Paul Fulda: {{:geo-isc:pfulda-geoisc-hannover.pptx|Interferometric sensing and control with LG33 modes}} 14th of December. AEI Hannover. 9:30 to 17:00 ===== 2nd Meeting, Hannover, 10th of May 2010 ===== Combined meeting of GEO-SIM and GEO-ISC (Main Seminar Room) ---------------------------------------------- === Presentations === 10:00 - 10:15 Welcome and News (Andreas + Stefan) 10:15 - 10:45 {{:geo-isc:esd.pdf|Electrostatic actuators for the AEI-10m main test masses}} (Holger) 10:45 - 11:45 {{:geo-isc:geo_isc_may_final_fumiko.pptx|Autoalignment design of the AEI-10m refernce cavity}} (Fumiko) 11:45 - 12:30 Start of the review process (all) lunch break 14:30 - 15:00 {{:geo-isc:dynamical_tuning_of_geo_600.ppt|Dynamical signal recycling tuning of GEO 600}} (Dimitry) coffee break 15:30 - 16:15 {{:geo-isc:100510_mantovani.pdf|Optickle simulation tool for high power interferometers (Maddalena) }} 16:15 - 16:45 Optickle Hands-on-session: Creating a simple Optickle simulation from scratch //(postponed to dedicated workshop)// 16:45 - 17:15 Optickle Problem-session: Discuss our Optickle Problems … //(postponed to dedicated workshop) // 17:15 - 17:20 Close out If you want to use Optickle on your own computer during the hands-on sessions please use {{:geo-isc:optickle_080626.zip|this verison of Optickle}} ===== Kick-off meeting, Hannover, 27th of January 2010 ===== A draft of the agenda can be found {{:geo-isc:agenda_27jan2010.pdf|here}}. === Presentations === {{:geo-isc:isc_kickoff.pdf|Welcome and Introduction to the meeting}} (Stefan Hild) {{:geo-isc:advancedcontrols.pdf|Future ISC chellenges in GEO-HF}} (Hartmut Grote) {{:geo-isc:geoisc_glasgow_challenges_01.pdf|Future ISC challenges in the Glasgow 10m}} (Bryan Barr) {{:geo-isc:challenges_aei10m.pdf|Future ISC challenges for the AEI-10m sub-SQL-ifo}} (Stefan Hild) {{:geo-isc:violin_mode_detector_hannover_27_jan_2010.ppt|Violin Mode Detector}} (Nick Lockerbie) {{:geo-isc:freise_sim_isc_270110.ppt|ISC group from the simulation groups perspective}} (Andreas Freise) {{:geo-isc:digi_analog_control.pdf|Digital vs Analog control at the beginning of the 2010 decade}} (Martin Hewitson) {{:geo-isc:geo-isc_kickoff.pptx|Overview of the ALIGO CDS}} (Christian Graef) {{:geo-isc:mirko_prijatelj_isc_meeting_2010_experience_with_cds.ppt|Experience with CDS for control of the GEO600 OMC}} (Mirko Prijatelj) {{:geo-isc:sensing_and_control_of_the_aei-10m_frequency_reference.pdf|Sensing and Control of the AEI-10m reference cavity}} (Fumiko Kawazoe)